Akram Hassan Founder & CEO at Rengage
Discover how Rengage uses ClickHouse to power real-time analytics for their growth marketing platform! At this Bellevue meetup, co-founders Akram and Shijun share how ClickHouse helps them handle high-volume customer data, provide instant insights, and track user journeys in real-time. Learn how ClickHouse's speed, ease of use, and cost efficiency transformed Rengage's ability to deliver actionable marketing insights while reducing complexity and latency. https://www.meetup.com/clickhouse-seattle-user-group/events/302518075/
Building a Modern Data Warehouse for Real-Time Analytics and AI
Mark Mezzapelli VP Business & Development & Partnerships at Shakudo
Monitoring ClickHouse using OpenTelemetry (with IBM Instana Observability)
Joshua Hildred Software Developer at IBM
Accelerating ML Workflows using ClickHouse
Wasim Ismail, Sr. Data Engineer & Jawad Ateeq, Machine Learning Engineering Lead at Borealis AI